Well another Halloween is behind us, and thought I had a great time as i do almost every halloween, I can't help but feel that something is missing from my Halloween experiences that would make my life a lot better.To illustrate why I feel unfulfilled, let me show you all some examples of the kind of costumes I saw, and then I'll compare those to some pictures of the kinds of Halloween
costumes I didn't see this year.
Here are some costumes that look a lot what what I saw people wearing this year:
As you can see, one the most popular costumes every year is "the Stripper".
But there is one costume that, year after year, falls to the wayside and is completely ignored. It's an important costume because of it's powerful magical characteristics. Also, it's not a stripper.
Here are some pictures of the costume I'm thinking of:

If we all work together we can spread costumes like these across the world. Not only are they mythical and awesome, but they send a better message to our children than some other popular costumes:
You don't necessarily have to grow up to be a stripper.
I think unicorn costumes are gonna take the world by storm, so watch out strippers!
In the meantime, if it's too much of an adjustment, maybe we can try to find some middle ground...