Before I go any further in exposing the world wide unicorn conspiracy, I should probably tell you all a little about myself, and why I am so interested in the matter. My interest in unicorns ultimately stems from a lack of self awareness. This sounds strange, so let me explain. I was adopted when I was six days old, and I have never met my birth parents. Although in the
nature/nurture debate I come down pretty heavily on the nurture side, I am still left with some uncertainty as to who I really am, and where I come from. It is the mystery of my uncertain origins which has led me to conclude that, since I can't say anything about my biological ancestry, it logically follows that I must be a unicorn. In fact, I have long suspected that I have been an undercover (and unaware) agent for the unicorn movement my entire life.
So this blog, then, turns out to be an exercise in self exploration. Seeking the truth about the unicorn conspiracy is another way for me to seek the truth about myself.
Me with a fellow unicorn I met at a music festival in BC in the summer of 2008.Stay tuned for my next post, in which I will list and expose many of the most influencial
Humicorns that have helped shape the world in which we live...
Even if this blog ends up being a series of photos, taken over a stretch of time, of you dressed up as a unicorn, it will be very entertaining.