So, I have to admit that, though I do understand the attraction for some people to ride their bicycles in the winter, here in our fair city, I've also always thought it was s pretty stupid thing to do, given how icy and slippery roads can get. I've never had any ethical problem with those who do it, because, unlike drunk drivers, some hipster on a bike in the snow isn't liable to kill anyone. The only person he is placing at risk is himself. That kind of risk (the kind that doesn't involve me), I am perfectly fine with.
That being said, I saw a guy on his bike the other day as I was waiting for my bus, and I actually thought to myself: "Damn, Self, that guy just might have the right idea. Instead of waiting around here like a sucker, he's getting where he needs to go on his own terms, and under his own power."
I was actually very inspired and was fully planning to take my bike to school the next day, until I looked back at him, and saw him wipe out right in front of a bus. I did the obligatory 'wait to see if he's ok' before I laughed my ass off.
I think part of the reason I laughed so hard is that I felt like an idiot for almost doing the exact same thing.
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