Thursday, September 24, 2009

Famous Humicorns: This May Surprise You

Since I started writing this blog, I've done a lot of research and have uncovered some pretty amazing facts. For example, I've learned that all unicorns are impervious to paper cuts. For some reason, they just never get them, no matter how much filing or collating they do. Also, I've learned that unicorns cannot taste yellow foods. This is why, if you see someone eating a banana and he or she is really enjoying it, you can be reasonably sure that he or she is not a unicorn.

I think the most interesting thing I've learned, however, is how to spot a humicorn. A humicorn, as I've mentioned previously, is the human type of unicorn. Humicorns are very clever and can hide their horns from the rest of us with magic. It takes a trained eye, and millions of dollars of sophisticated equipment to be able to spot a humicorn--or at least it did until very recently.

Earlier this year, Irish scientists discovered (while drunk) that it is possible to detect humicorns while forgoing the need for all the expensive equipment with a simple procedure. All one has to do to verify the status of a suspected humicorn, is to yell very loudly at a picture of that 'person'. The scientists fell into this discovery (almost literally) while one of them was yelling at a picture of his ex-wife, and a horn suddenly on her head in the picture. The rest of them verified the procedure by doing the same with pictures of their ex-wives (apparently the divorce rate among Irish scientists is mind-numbingly high for some reason). Only a few of the photos transmogrified, but one of the scientists noticed that some of the pictures in an entertainment magazine lying on a table near by had also changed, and so, what has come to be known as the "Humicorn Scream Test" was born.

Using this test, I have been able to uncover some pretty famous and influential Humicorns.

(A WARNING: Some of these may surprise you, so read on at your own risk.)

The first person I chose as the subject of the Humicorn Scream Test was Kevin Bacon. I was not disappointed. Now maybe we can change the name of the game to "Six Degrees of Unicorn".

Sigmund Freud, as it turns out, was also a humicorn. Here is a slightly censored picture which might explain the themes of many of his theories.

Humicorns are not the only creatures who hide their true nature using magic. Here is a picture of an evil demon that I also uncovered using the scream test.

Often times, when Humicorns get very, very old, they lose their ability to conceal their horns with magic, and are forced to revert to other methods.


  1. Jer you should scream test those pinups in your locker. That would get everyone horny.

  2. Remind me of the startling research you located when, in the future, I am hiring office personnel. Humicorns should be hired to do all heavy collating. And yellow stamp licking. I'm assuming they cannot taste inanimate yellow objects either. A wild guess.
