Thursday, November 26, 2009

After a long drawn out period of futile resistance, I am now officially one of those Twitter people. I signed up for an account the other day, and it's proven to be very useful so far. I've been using it to find out what many of my acquaintances are eating for breakfast and watching on television.
I was also please to find that Twitter is replete with self proclaimed unicorns. It is somewhat unsettling, however, that there is not some sort of verificational tool to ensure the legitimacy of unicorns like there is for famous people. I guess the people at Twitter don't think unicorns are as important as famous people.
Oh well, I guess not everybody has their priorities as properly straightened out as I do.

My Twitter name is JWilliamez. Make sure to track me down and 'follow' my tweets if you want to find out what I've had for breakfast!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hey Gang,

It's getting pretty close to the time of year when we, humans and humicorns alike, should put aside our differences and help those less fortunate than us.

That's why my friend Chris and I have decided to organize a holiday hamper for the Winnipeg Christmas Cheerboard's Hamper Program.

The Hamper is located in W302 in the RRC's Princess Campus. Donations are welcome from humans, humicorns and striaght up unicorns as well.

Please help us fill this hamper with good things like food, gifts and horn polish...

Visit: to find out what you can donate.

Thanks in advance for your generous help!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Unicorn King

They Finally found Him!

The ancient prophets said he'd come, but no one really believed those old crazies...

Until now!

All Hail the Unicorn King!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Another Halloween Come and Gone...

Well another Halloween is behind us, and thought I had a great time as i do almost every halloween, I can't help but feel that something is missing from my Halloween experiences that would make my life a lot better.To illustrate why I feel unfulfilled, let me show you all some examples of the kind of costumes I saw, and then I'll compare those to some pictures of the kinds of Halloween
costumes I didn't see this year.

Here are some costumes that look a lot what what I saw people wearing this year:

As you can see, one the most popular costumes every year is "the Stripper".

But there is one costume that, year after year, falls to the wayside and is completely ignored. It's an important costume because of it's powerful magical characteristics. Also, it's not a stripper.

Here are some pictures of the costume I'm thinking of:

If we all work together we can spread costumes like these across the world. Not only are they mythical and awesome, but they send a better message to our children than some other popular costumes:
You don't necessarily have to grow up to be a stripper.

I think unicorn costumes are gonna take the world by storm, so watch out strippers!

In the meantime, if it's too much of an adjustment, maybe we can try to find some middle ground...

Monday, November 2, 2009

An Answer to Some Recent Questions:

Recently, a reader of this blog hit me with some pretty tough questions.
Never one to shy from a challenge, I'm going to attempt to answer those questions with this entry:

Question #1: Can unicorns fly?

Answer: Of course they can, Silly! Unicorns can and do fly all the time. They use the powers of positive thinking and imagination to enable themselves to soar through the clouds. Sometimes a careless unicorn will get sucked into the engine of a passing jet airplane, but this is never reported in the news. No one would take an airline seriously if it began reporting crashes due to unicorns. But the fact is that natural selection applies just as much to unicorns as to any species.

Question #2: Can Humicorns fly?

Answer: Of course they can, Silly! Humicorns are the most advanced form of unicorns. In fact, they are the only genus of unicorn that can operate a calculator or make a casserole. Their abilities do not stop there, however. They can fly and do advanced calculus and beat Mario 3. They can also turn digested food into rainbows. They do this with a special gland in their posterior which uses happiness to create different coloured lights.

Question #3: Why are unicorns often associated with rainbows?

Answer: (See answer for question #2.)