Thursday, November 26, 2009

After a long drawn out period of futile resistance, I am now officially one of those Twitter people. I signed up for an account the other day, and it's proven to be very useful so far. I've been using it to find out what many of my acquaintances are eating for breakfast and watching on television.
I was also please to find that Twitter is replete with self proclaimed unicorns. It is somewhat unsettling, however, that there is not some sort of verificational tool to ensure the legitimacy of unicorns like there is for famous people. I guess the people at Twitter don't think unicorns are as important as famous people.
Oh well, I guess not everybody has their priorities as properly straightened out as I do.

My Twitter name is JWilliamez. Make sure to track me down and 'follow' my tweets if you want to find out what I've had for breakfast!

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